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Making the Complex, Comprehensible.

EBSA: Key Points Every Parent Should Know absenteeism anxiety attendance ebsa emotional based school avoidance parent/carer return to school school refusal Nov 11, 2024

As a parent, you want the best for your child. So when they start struggling to attend school, it can be a worrying and confusing time. You might have heard terms like 'school refusal' or 'school phobia', but there are also a wide range of newer more compassionate terms too, such as Emotionally Base...

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EBSA | Building a Sense of Belonging absenteeism attendance ebsa emotional based school avoidance parent/carer parenting school refusal Nov 11, 2024

As parents, we want our children to feel happy and secure at school. But when your child is experiencing Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA), this can feel like an enormous challenge. If you're reading this, chances are you've already been on quite a journey with your child, navigating the com...

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EBSA vs School Refusal: Understanding the Difference absenteeism anxiety attendance ebsa emotional based school avoidance return to school school refusal Nov 11, 2024

There are many different terms that are used to describe a child's absence from school. These terms include "school refusal," "truancy," and "persistent absenteeism." While they all relate to a child's non-attendance at school, they have distinct meanings and implications which are important for all...

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EBSA Terminology: A Guide for UK School Staff absenteeism anxiety attendance ebsa emotional based school avoidance return to school school refusal school support Nov 11, 2024

As teachers, TAs and SENCOs, we're all too familiar with the challenges of supporting pupils who struggle to attend school. Whether it's a Year 3 who can't seem to make it through the school gates or a Year 11 whose attendance has suddenly plummeted, these situations are complex and often heart-wren...

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Family Horizons: Empowering Families in the EBSA Journey absenteeism attendance ebsa emotional based school avoidance mental health parent parent/carer return to school school refusal wellbeing Oct 08, 2024

As Educational Psychologists, we've all unfortunately become very familiar with the growing challenge of Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) in schools. The complexities of EBSA need a holistic approach that extends beyond the school gates and into the home environment. While we've been incred...

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Practical Ways to Support Autistic Girls to Thrive in School absenteeism autism autistic girls ebsa emotional based school avoidance mental health school refusal Jan 09, 2024

by Dr Becky Morgan, Educational Psychologist

In my doctoral research I explored the way that language and discourse impacts the self-concept and social-identity of autistic adolescent girls. Various personal and professional reasons led me to this area of study, but one major influence was my exper...

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