What people say about RISE
School Staff Training CPD on Resilience and Wellbeing
If you were to recommend RISE as a CPD course to another school, what would you say to them?

This course is comprehensive covering the fundamental foundations of resilience. It is based in psychology but everything is explained in a clear and helpful way with lots of examples which are related to the classroom. It explains how investing the time to build up the areas which support a child to become resilient such as competence, character, connectedness etc. can have a long-lasting and profound effect on their lives. Helpful strategies and links are given along the way. There is also a useful assessment tool which can help teachers to focus on the areas which need most support.

Already have! An excellent, well-presented, evidence based programme to help develop resilience in children and young people. Not just a 'sticky plaster', but based on assessed need. Flexible to deliver to whole classes, targeted intervention or pupil specific.

RISE is a complete course, containing all the information and resources required to enable a practitioner to have the greatest possible impact on the resilience and well being of children.

RISE is a programme filled with useful, low-demand strategies which is likely to really help compliment the class environment, whether issues surrounding resilience are present or not. There will be something in the course to make school better and easier for CYP.

Everything you need to know about resilience.

This is a programme that helps children see that they are important, that they matter, that they can make a difference. RISE is a programme that children need!

Full of great ideas and strategies that will help all children.

I would definitely recommend it. I found it easy to navigate, great resources and it is very timely after our return from lockdown.

I'd say do it 100%.

RISE shows class teachers and other adults in the school specific needs for a whole class but also individual children.

I would definitely recommend the course, it's been extremely informative, it has given me the reassurance and confidence to support our young people, as well as practical recourses.

I would stress the ease of the programme, how well structured it is, super delivery which can be done at any time. I would recommend the questionnaire which allowed us to personalise the programme for individual classes and in some cases individual children.

The course is eye-opening in terms of working and thinking as an Educational Psychologist rather than just as a teacher. Rise provides training in an area in which CPD is lacking.

Informative and and clear.

Do the course!

Useful, informative and thorough.

Very clear and coherent programme, that provides theoretical framework as well as practical suggestions.

I just recommended today and said that this was fantastic. Really practical and a lot of useable resources and ideas.

Very good resources, highly psychologically underpinned, flexible and adaptable for a wide range of CYP.

The course is very user friendly. short to the point modules. Good pace and can start, stop at anytime.

The entire training module is meaty and worth spreading out over a few days, but it is absolutely worth it. The structure and accessibility of the course has left me with a really clear understanding of resilience in children and how I can develop it.

Its a really helpful programme for understanding and reframing views particularly on behaviours that challenge.

I found it incredibly helpful in breaking down children's resilience needs into small chunks that could be assessed, targeted and ultimately improved. It made me feel better equipped and more effective at knowing how to meet children's individual needs at a time where children need support in this area more than ever before. It also helped me to support children who have experienced trauma or exceptional circumstances early in their life and now need targeted support in this area.

It has opened my eyes to the daily trauma I have seen over these past few years and given me some much needed advice and rich resources to use with our staff and children.

Make time to watch the videos over a few weeks of meetings - discuss and come up with schools direction and lesson plans - or get a team to put together school focus.

This programme is indepth and thorough and I believe caters for the rising problems that we witness in school on a daily basis. Within the current climate of the pandemic, more and more children need this help.

Depending on your depth of experience, it can cover basic knowledge, right up to fantastic explanations and resources to support.

It is a fantastic course, very easy to follow and is very much geared towards the passions staff have within school to help our children grow. The supporting documents and guidance give clear strategies to try out. It's flexibility means you can easily go to a specific tool, for a particular issue you have.

RISE is an inclusive, adaptable and extremely useful tool to ensure the children in our care are nurtured and supported.

That it will have a positive impact on many aspects of school life and so will be worth the time and effort.

To watch it as it is great!

As a useful powerful resource that breaks down the areas of resilience into manageable sections.

Really helps you identify the needs of children and how to assist them in school.

Easy to follow and plenty of case scenarios.

That it's really informative and provides very practical and useful strategies.

A powerful resource to support and enhance the life of young people in Education.

A comprehensive complete package presented in a professional and informed way.

Full of psychology, theories, strategies and resources to expand your knowledge and toolkit around resilience.

Lots of practical ideas and resources with a good level of theoretical background to support.

Very informative, comprehensive with great resources.

Its very useful tool in understanding other aspects of children and how to support them best.

To fully use resources given.

It's helpful to understand the impact we have on children as learners.

Very informative.

It's user friendly and the small chunks make it very accessible.

Do it!!

Useful course that you can work through at your own pace.

That it is a good way of building different areas of resilience in schools, and that the strategies given are user-friendly and practical.

A great resilience programme - great as a whole school approach.

It is really eye-opening, and explains clearly how much children are affected by things we may give little thought to (both positively and negatively).

Thorough training, implementing the use of correct and supportive language. I would want every teacher or teacher in training to undergo this training to ensure a holistic approach is taken to our young people's wellbeing.

That RISE is something all teachers or people working with children should all be familiar with. It can help you cement current techniques you are using and also open your eyes to other things that can be beneficial that you may not have thought of. It aids children in all aspects of their life as building resilience will help them across their life and as they progress through it.

RISE is a great resource for mainstream primary classrooms. It should help to improve focus, concentration and behaviour in the classroom in addition to aiding children to build up resilience which will help them academically and in other aspects of their lives.

Rise allows for better learning and can make teaching easier.

Clear, organised with great resources- one stop shop!

This is a great course that can help you support your class.

Its a very comprehensive and informative course.

In-depth reasoning, helpful strategies.

It's an easy and straightforward approach to building resilience .

It provides a great level of support and advice.

Do it its fantastic and very useful.

Really informative, lots of resources for children to use.

I would say it is quite informative and can be helpful to you and your students. RISE can help you be a better teacher and school as it teaches skills necessary to help students in and outside of the classroom. It can help develop the individual by providing improved competence and confidence as well as improved relationships in the classroom via connectedness and contribution. It would be helpful to the student to be a better citizen (character and contribution). They are also taught strategies to help with coping and control all in an enjoyable and fun manner.
What is the greatest benefit of RISE for schools, teachers and children?

Our school values are caring, inspiring, achieving, improving an discovering - RISE covers all of those and so will fit in nicely I think to our school mission.
I think RISE will help teachers get to know their classes better and give the children a better relationship with the teacher. It will help teachers know more how to challenge the children safely. For children the greatest benefit I think is that they will be better able to cope and be more positive about themselves and the opportunities they are given.

RISE is definitely most beneficial to prepare children for adulthood. Taking the time for RISE can mean that teachers may have less resistance of learning. It can help to manage the classroom as well as increase the love of learning e.g. growth zone.

The greatest benefit of RISE has to be the mental wellbeing of children first and foremost. Happy and resilient children create a harmonious school and lay the foundations that these children will need for later life.

The impact that it will have on all children's wellbeing and the direct teaching of strategies to help them know how to look after their own wellbeing and have more control over their feelings. It's a great tool to help teachers to plan and learn how to support children.

Giving our children the tools to help themselves both in and out of school.

Breaking resilience into many different components and understanding and knowing how to support each pillar.

Having an understanding of why children might present the way they do.

Building resilience is the key to improving confidence and developing self-worth.

Putting their well being first!

Optimistic and positive approach which helps to create independent children.

It gives us a fantastic resource to help us understand why, some of the young people that we work with find some/all parts of daily life not as fulfilling as it should be.

To help recognise and make other staff aware of the impact of how children and young people can be supported... How we can support them to overcome things and enable them to be brave, bold, confident young people and prepare them for life.

The resilience gained by the children will go towards their overall well-being and help them achieve at school, both pastorally and academically.

I think it is great to do the assessment and to analyse the results, as it threw up some unexpected areas of concern.

Building students confidence and resilience and embedding it in everyday life.

Knowing where the children are at with their resilience and how we can help them to develop these skills.

Strategies to support the development of different areas of resilience and assessment tools.

An easy, ready prepared assessment tool and teaching package, to save time.

RISE is flexible and can be adapted to suit different need which is great as one size does not fit all.

The benefits have been the recourses, the knowledge you have given and the reminder that what I am already implementing is relevant.

The variety of strategies discussed is a real strength, knowing that there is no such thing as a "one size fits all" approach to supporting CYP.

Clear, 'jargon-free' and PRACTICAL resources which have been created by people who clearly have a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Resilience in my opinion is key to every success in life - unfortunately we are now battling against a generation where this is no longer the normal expectation and has been eclipsed by entitlement - this is maybe where an initiative such as RISE comes in.

How it can be implemented on all age groups and abilities and has varying uses depending on the individual or group you are with. How it is child focused and can also help their skills educationally, socially and emotionally.

I think that children are lacking resilience more than when I started teaching 20 years ago. I feel that teachers and parents are often reluctant to take children out of the comfort zone, and we tend to do too much of the preparing the road for the children, not preparing children for the road.

The advice, community and range of experience.

Greater knowledge and empowerment for children, acceptance and awareness of all emotions.

It gives you an understanding about resilience on a deeper level.

Refresh of knowledge and looking at things from a different POV.

For children to have the opportunity to explore and discover their emotions so that they can have the tools to help their own mental health.

To develop children's and teacher's awareness of mental health.

Being able to use it with identified students.

Self- awareness and evaluation.

In-depth reasoning as to why resilience is so important.

RISE in our school will benefit not only the children but all our staff too, building our resilience to these challenges we have faced and overcome.

Understand each other and creating empathy and understanding across the community. Giving students and parents to the tools to cope in these difficult times.

For school and teachers - less problems with behaviour. For children - their wellbeing and ability to cope with adversities as they grow into adulthood.

Easy strategies to reach all children - rather than singling out individuals that may need more scaffolding.

It will allows us to identify needs in our class and with specific children.

Evidence based holistic programme which can be used by schools to best meet their needs.

Implementing new strategies to work with the children.

It's a complete package which is great.

Giving children the tools of coping with change.

Knowledge of how to help children.

Teaching children resilience is key to adult coping.

Psychological underpinning of the activities.

Comprehensive and thorough information and ideas to use practically.

I think teaching children the foundations which build resilience is really important to equip them for life's challenges. I think it will be useful for teachers to understand how these underpin a child's resilience.

The clear guidance in each area of resilience. Useful strategies and ideas for lessons.

To understand how we learn and to develop at a steady and individual pace.

Helps to build healthy relationships.

So that everyone learns how to become resiliant and what it is to be it.

Better overall mental health.

Good understanding and knowledge.

Moving everybody forward.

It gives you a range of activities and strategies that can suit the needs of all children. It also allows you to trial and test different strategies as it is not 'one size fits all'.

It gives staff more knowledge to help students with their mental health and wellbeing.

It gives a shared and well-researched approach to developing skills that often teachers try to do independently using a variety of random resources on the internet.

Building resilience in students so that they are able to access the learning provided in schools.

Increased awareness of everything that underlies a child's ability to 'cope', and how much of an impact what we do daily can have on their mental strength and wellbeing.

Practical ideas, get the children talking, expertly handled and lots of advice for issues.

Giving staff a better understanding of how to best help each pupil.

Increasing resilience within young people is fantastic for supporting their later outcomes and connections in later life.

Ability to measure impact, targeted interventions.

Collaboration of all members of staff to make small changes to everyday practice to promote gratitude and wellbeing during 'normal' school hours and lessons. Children will be much more resilient as they go through school and on onto post 16 pathways.
Other thoughts or feedback or share...?

This has to be one of the best courses I have undertaken. The way it has been delivered has been easy to follow with fantastic accompanying documents. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to start rolling this out in school! I am very passionate about the wellbeing of our children and feel that the strategies provided will be very supportive in building up their resilience, something that is very much needed, now more than ever with the pandemic. I really appreciate all the time and effort taken to create this course, thank you!

Just a great course with lovely resources that I really enjoyed and found incredibly valuable.

Cannot praise the training highly enough, thank you.

This is a course that I find to be quite informative and well presented and I think it can work in a non UK context as well.

I have really enjoyed completing this course and training so much from it. I can now include many different ideas into my practice. Thank you Rise.

It was a lot of listening and concentrating but useful that you could stop when you wanted and resume where you left off. I have almost 30 years experience and found it insightful and informative.

I have really enjoyed doing this course. It has been really informative and useful and has really made me think. The resources are also great. Thank you.

Thank you very much! I have lots of information i want to share with staff. I will put my thinking hat on, to think about how this can be implemented in our setting.

I really appreciated the option to be able to dip in and out of the modules when I had some free time for CPD.

Looking forward to applying all those resources with all the CYP I will be working with, helping them to become better prepared for the challenges that might arise in their life and become stronger adults.

I will definitely recommend our whole school use this wonderful resource.

Excellent course, well explained, looking forward to apply in my work thank you.

Great course thank you.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my RISE journey and am very excited to use everything I have learnt in school! Thank you!

Thank you for providing so many strategies and resources which can be used in our school.

Very clear and informative explanations and a great selection of resources. Thank you.

Great course, and really useful assessment materials. We have started using these to support children receiving small group emotional support sessions, and the next step is to try and use these resources to impact whole school mental health and well-being. The videos and strategies have been useful in explaining clearly to develop knowledge - and I could definitely see how it would support children who have experienced trauma, and those who are having difficulties with anxiety.

Thank you for providing so many strategies which can be used in our school. Wellbeing is essential for learning and in Wales we are now faced with developing our own curriculum. This will be extremely beneficial and a resource I will return to.
I appreciate this format of learning and have listened more than once to some sections. Diolch yn fawr.

Another fantastic course - very informative with amazing resources to work from with our CYP. I'm excited to start implementing these ideas to ensure the best support for our children's wellbeing and build their confidence and resilience. Having seen a huge surge in referrals to CAHMS and mental health providers since 'getting back to normal' after COVID-19 I can see these strategies helping so many kids and their families. Thank you to the team!

I am really enjoying using the different resources.

I enjoyed the course. Thanks to the team.

Excellent course filled with useful resources.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my RISE journey and it has given me so much to think about regarding myself and the children I teach. I am so excited about using everything I have learnt and watching the children grow in so many ways. Thank you for putting this programme together, I know it will make a difference!

A really informative course thank you- lots of useful resources. I am looking forward to implementing some of these strategies to help the wellbeing and resilience of CYP, particularly with the huge rise in referrals to CAMHS since Covid 19.

An excellent course which was well presented and steeped in psychological theory! As an EP in Scotland, I am really excited about the possibility of this course and its potential impact in the schools I work alongside. I will be feeding back my experience with the rest of the EPS team and explore what is possible...

Fantastic informative, with clear instruction and superb resources.

Excellent course fully enjoyed and would recommend.

Brilliant course and I can't wait to feedback to my colleagues and get started.

It was a very useful course which has helped to build my confidence in building students resilience.

Thank you for such an informative training programme.

I am happy to have completed RISE and I feel better equipped to support children's resilience going forward.

A great course, especially if used as a whole-school (Primary) approach.

RISE was a really well put together training programme, which will benefit teachers and educators greatly as it is non-discriminative and can help children progress through life being more resilient.

None, except that I really enjoyed the course. Thank you.

Thank you - fantastic course!

Loved making the power shields this week!

Very easy to follow

There are not many courses that I complete and am so excited to implement in the classroom. The knowledge, passion and - if you don't mind me saying - the 'down-to-earth'ness' of Richard and Lee really gave me the impression that this is a worthwhile, impactful resource which cuts out a lot of the jargon and 'psychobabble' (for want of a better word) that I have seen from other courses. The course was so easy to navigate and the highly structured approach really helped. Thank you.