What EPs think about Literacy: A Path For All
Educational Psychologist CPD
If you were to recommend Literacy: A Path For All as a CPD course to another EP, how would you summarise it to them?

A very clear, concise course providing EPs ever need to know and consider about supporting children and young people's literacy needs. Takes into account a range of perspectives and approaches while being very clear about what exactly needs to be done to support children's literacy needs systemically and at an individual level. This course provides practical advice and tips along with amazing visuals making this area of work very clear. Presented by a very lovely EP who is a joy to listen to. It is also very helpful that you can take this course in your own time and on your own terms, each category is well broken down.

Practical, comprehensive, accessible.

Fantastic summary that is very in-depth of all things literacy related.

A must for all EPs!

Very in depth and interesting course about literacy and literacy difficulties. A helpful look at dyslexia as a concept and a label.

A good overall look at how literacy develops at all levels and how to intervene, again at all levels.

Thorough, practical, self-paced, concerned with systems as well as individuals, lots of further reading and reflection.

Comprehensive, clear, honest, a great combination of theory into practice.

It is a very detailed and thorough insight into evidence, research, and practice with plenty of practical advice included.

Practical ways to support schools to support children with literacy difficulties.

A very comprehensive and enjoyable course which conveys all the key information you need to know as an EP, at whatever level you are working, in a highly engaging way.

An excellent and insightful course that breaks down how evidence-based psychology and intervention can be used effectively to help whole classes and individuals who have difficulty with elements of literacy.

A reframing of literacy as a social justice issue, with RTI tools and resources to help EPs help teachers and SENDCOs identify potential challenges and start to implement practical support.

A very comprehensive course that helps to break down the complexity surrounding literacy into manageable chunks, allowing you to feel more confident in approaching literacy concerns!

A clear and comprehensive course challenging the Dyslexia diagnostic debate and exploring Literacy difficulties at a wider, systems level.

A must do course, even if you think you know all you need to about literacy! I love how up to date it is in terms of the research base but also how practical, pragmatic and accessible.

A complete package to allow you as a professional to understand and apply theory to literacy difficulty and the knowledge to question the need for labels. It really helps you to remain needs focused rather than diagnosis led.

A brilliantly clear overview of the fundamental aspects of literacy, and how people can support children and young people who experience literacy difficulties at an individual, group, and systemic level.

A comprehensive course that breaks down in complex concepts related to literacy acquisition and the role of EPs in supporting schools to develop systems to support children experiencing difficulties in this area.

A well-balanced course which considers different perspectives on ways to support the needs of CYP with literacy difficulties at family, whole school and individual levels. Drives home the absolute need to meet the needs of all and as early as possible. It also provides some quality resources which can be used with CYP and schools.

Literacy: A Path for All provides you with a wealth of signposting and detail presented with enthusiasm and clarity. The course enables the participant to hear from a range of professionals and also personal experiences which help the participant to gather a holisitc view and feel empowered to share knowledge.

Provides in depth information about the skills involved in literacy which can be applied in practice to identify a child's learning profile. In breaking down areas of literacy skill the course assists in identification of relevant intervention to target need. The wealth of information provided in the course ensures confident practice in the area of literacy difficulties.

Down to earth, common-sense approach to addressing literacy difficulties - whether specific or general.

An overview of up-to-date literature, with discussion of assessment and intervention and at an universal, targeted and specific level.

Great course including theory, explains multiple perspectives, and has useful practical implications for EP practice.

Really well thought out, comprehensive and well delivered.

Relevant and extremely useful. Bit of a game-changer.

A comprehensive overview of literacy development for everyone.

It's fantastic and comprehensive. Very accessible and easy to watch. It's linked to very clear models of support and gives a great structure which can be applied to both Consultation and systemic work in schools. It's time consuming in terms of getting through all the modules, but never feels like a slog.

A course which addressed the main models of reading development, the latest research around the literacy difficulties vs dyslexia debate, and which provides plenty of food for thought, as well as resources, relating to successfully assessing, and supporting school staff , to devise personalised interventions for students who need them.

In addition to Joanne's clear presentation style, and warm smile, her calm confidence and huge amount of knowledge made it easy to stay focussed on the information she shared. The course has exceeded my expectations and I will regularly use the information and resources shared.

I would say it is a thorough exploration of literacy that is aimed at EPs and our work - really helpful to support your whole understanding of literacy and how to support schools to support these needs and loads of brilliant resources to take away.

Literacy: A Path For All is a thorough and engaging online CPD course that will provide you with an in-depth overview of the research and theory around literacy, as well as practical advice to take forward in EP practice from individual work with CYP all the way through to wider systemic work with schools and LA settings.

Socially and ethically robust training that provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of literacy. Its broad theoretical and practical content helps us to understand and support children and young people with literacy.

The complete guide to understanding literacy skill development, intervention, and contextualising dyslexia.

As being extremely informative and looking at all perspectives around literacy difficulties.

I would tell them that they will find something useful on the course regardless of experience and training.

A great overview with some very important topics and reflective points covered.

A sound, well balanced journey exploring literacy need, importance and impact on empowering our society. Equality for all.

Very comprehensive and full of information to share with schools.

I have already recommended it to two colleagues. I would summarise it as an extremely comprehensive and useful course that details the theory underpinning practice and makes the links to practice explicit. I would talk about how knowledgeable the trainer is and how important the social justice sections were.

A comprehensive overview of exploring literacy, its facets and supporting specific needs.

Helps EPs have clear understanding of how best to use their role to support parents, teachers and young people with literacy difficulties.

A fantastic overview of literacy with up to date research and lots of resources.

A really comprehensive course that covers all areas related to literacy difficulties for children and young people - including assessment, intervention, and navigating the 'dyslexia debate' in conversations with others.

An essential course that provides a great overview, an accessible level of depth but most importantly a passion for a necessary topic.

A holistic overview of the context around -- and importance of -- understanding literacy issues, as well as practical guidance on how to support them in an equitable and evidence-informed way.
What has been the greatest benefit of Literacy: A Path For All for supporting you in your work?

Giving me a pathway to how to approach assessment and intervention.

Increased knowledge and new ways of thinking.

Refreshed my understanding with up to date information, and the resources.

All of it has been wonderful to recap and extend my knowledge. My thinking on this topic feels a lot more organised now and i hope that will transfer in my practice. Thank you for sharing all the resources.

Increased confidence. It has reinstilled what I learned in my initial training over a decade ago but brought me up to date with more recent research and given me new things to think about too, but all of which sit within my existing way of working so it doesn't feel 'too' challenging either.

To give me confidence and clarity that I am on the right lines and to give more specific concepts about how to discuss literacy difficulties with CYP, their families and schools.

Recapping, revising, resources and further reading!

Giving me confidence in an informed manner, in responding to literacy needs at so many levels.

Thinking about what standardised tests I actually need to use...

Most of this was going over things I knew but it was really good to have it all together, I had forgotten about the Brooks work and didn't know it was updated in 2020 so I've downloaded this and sent to all my schools.

The range of the advice and the guidance which I have been able to share with schools - and the opportunity to work systemically with schools (-particularly, supporting them to develop a wider view of assessment, analysis and intervention, which is not restricted to phonics).

Improvement in my knowledge and understanding of the evidence base underpinning literacy intervention and what to do when synthetic phonics aren't working. Also considerations of how to work more strategically!

So useful to have an evidence-based to back up some of my existing views around literacy.

It has reignited an interest in the topic; a renewed commitment to supporting schools to make changes for all to support our most vulnerable.

Feeling affirmed, feeling better equipped to state my views knowing that it is backed in the latest research.

I have to say that, as an EP, I have never felt fully confident in supporting literacy difficulties in consultation. Perhaps this comes from not having originally worked as a teacher. I now feel that I have a much more indepth knowledge of how to identify and support literacy needs. I love the accessible models and can't wait to use them with schools. The training was so understandable and accessible, thank you.

It's given me a new perspective on how I see literacy difficulties. I am also glad for the depth of discussion around the different levels of need, hearing from the YP was great as I wasn't even aware that people with literacy difficulties could still find some parts of 'literacy' easy. I think the use of the term dyslexia had made me believe everyone 'with it' struggled to read, write and spell but it's so much more than that.

It has made me feel so much confident about the discussions I have. It has also made me feel better about what I have previously seen as my rebellious streak in relation to literacy, where Id feel like a heretic for suggesting trying other things, and questioning the merits of really broad brush-stroke interventions that never seemed to work.

It has reinforced my prior knowledge as a specialist teacher but helped me to reconfigure that knowledge into ways of working as a TEP and future EP. It has also given me some more tools that I will use.

Greater confidence to identify literacy needs and address concerns around dyslexia and provision.

Having a clearer understanding of dyslexia and the minefield that it is. I now have some good counterarguments to include in discussions with school staff when they insist a diagnosis is 'needed'.

It has given me a great opportunity to really focus in on literacy difficulties and increased the depth of my knowledge, resulting in me feeling more confident when speaking with Sencos and making recommendations for CYP.

It confirmed my thinking around literacy difficulties and provides an excellent rounded view addressing literacy difficulties within the UK school system.

I feel liberated from the term dyslexia and feel it has been demystified. I feel empowered to support staff to meet needs at the word level without the fear of feeling inadequate when a dyslexia label has been used.

The focus and relearning of skills, especially as it has been a while since my EP training.

Clarifying my thinking around dyslexia - I feel liberated!! Also having training that is aimed at EPs feels like such a luxury :-) And the wealth of resources and information.

It has put me back in touch with the emotional impact of struggling to acquire literacy skills.

For me, the greatest benefit is learning about the different aspects of learning a language. As a woman in my 30s, I cannot remember learning the English language, and during my schooling, phonics was not used. Therefore, for me, it has been a great opportunity to update fundamental knowledge, helping me to feel better informed.

Having a comprehensive overview of the whole topic has been a huge benefit - when you have built up bits of knowledge sporadically over time your knowledge can sometimes feel a bit fragmented which can make you feel less confident about your thinking and the basis for your views.

All of it - the models are great and really helpful, strategies, case studies but just being able to focus on one area of my work which was not covered in any depth during my doctorate is great - I knew some of these things but I like the way doing this course has made me focus myself on such a key area that impacts on so many of our learners.

Giving me confidence and clarity about working with literacy difficulties. I feel I had a good understanding of emotional needs and experiences of working with children and young people with literacy difficulties but this has helped the cognitive part and match up and weave throughout. The visuals of the course are great also!

I really like the Voice of CYP resources and have already downloaded and laminated these to use in my practice. It has also given me the confidence to question suitability of interventions when they have been in situ for many years with limited impact and to explore more deeply with schools the exact nature of the child's literacy difficulties (via school based assx) and whether other, perhaps less traditional methods, may be advantageous.

Confidence in my position - I feel I am more secure now in my toolkit and in how I talk about literacy difficulties. Just today I had a conversation where the teacher was saying "if he had the 'diagnosis of dyslexia, then there would be other things we could put in place". I asked "is there something that you wouldn't put in place until he had that label?" - there was a 'beat' before she said "no".

Really made me focus on my recommendations for schools.

Giving me the confidence to challenge others.

I feel it has updated my knowledge and given me increased confidence.

Giving me confidence to make conclusions and hold evidence informed conversations with schools and parents/carers about literacy difficulties. Signposting to research has enabled me to read more widely.

All of it was super useful.

The DRC model with the specific questions to consider and what intervention could focus on - this will be really useful for my own practice during consultations, as well as to share for schools to adapt in a way that works for them.

Giving me a wider appreciation of all of the issues surrounding literacy, e.g. 'the tangled web' of context.

The background knowledge and up to date research on literacy has been great information as well as the resources. I really enjoyed the Yeah, but.. section as it gave great ideas for discussion.

I feel that it really gave me a good understanding around the dyslexia debate and I am more confident in how to approach this in my work.

Confidence when literacy difficulties/dyslexia comes up through EP work.

Far greater confidence.

Understanding the complexity around difficulties and different approaches to dyslexia assessment.

Helping me understand the different levels of support, the dyslexia debate and issues around diagnosis (seeing the importance of putting focus rather on determining needs and addressing them), and the importance of the young person's perspective and how to support them emotionally and relationally.
Other thoughts or feedback or share...?

This course is very comprehensive and really explains and explores helpful ways to view literacy challenges experienced by children and young people. I particularly like the insights into navigating the dyslexia debate and the need for all educational professionals to strip it all back and focus upon understanding and addressing literacy difficulties at all levels. Resources and visuals throughout the course are great. Also it was so good to have the speakers involved, it gave the course further depth and offered further wealth of expertise. Thank you.

It was nice to have a useful course and one I can keep dipping back into.

Thanks Joanna, Jen and Rich for all your hard work and endeavours. A high quality course throughout. You should be very proud of what you have created here.

Thank you, a really valuable course as well as being very timely for my particular needs.

This course has provided a clear understanding of all the issues/debates around 'dyslexia' and implications for EP work in this area. It will enable our service to provide a unified discourse, alongside ways of working with individuals/families/ schools/LA systems in supporting CYP with literacy difficulties.

So much to take away from this valuable course. It has increased my confidence when discussing with schools the ways in which they are supporting CYP with literacy difficulties.

This course has really developed my confidence in having more 'tricky' conversations with schools/parents. The ethical considerations were well covered and an excellent reminder of our role in this and how we can highlight these issues with schools.

Really enjoyed this course and would recommend it to others. Thank you.

Really good, could you make something for schools that we could recommend them to pay for - similar content but a bit more teacher focused.

Thank you for an excellent, well-presented course.

Hi - thank you for this really comprehensive training which helped me consider literacy difficulties from lots of different perspectives.

Would 100% recommend this course. It has already improved the way I discuss SpLD in my schools. Presented with clarity and was very engaging.

Thanks Jo, it really helped to re-visit literacy development and in particular from the point of view of social justice and the complexity of literacy.

Wonderful enthusiasm and clarity - thank you.

A great course, really useful, I will definitely be trying some of the others on Edpsyched.

Very comprehensive course, look forward to applying it to my practice.

There were some excellent ideas and resources on RTI methods for literacy, and I thoroughly enjoyed those! There were some interesting ideas and discussions around identifying literacy difficulties, but reframing literacy as a social justice issue, is (I feel) a sensible step forward. I look forward to other EdPsychEd content.

This has been such a valuable course. The topics were clearly introduced and discussed, with excellent links to references, and resources. I found interview with the school SENCo in chapter 6, along with the example of that school's use of the Response to Intervention (RTI) model to plan interventions in their setting, incredibly useful. I feel inspired to go on and develop practice within our EP team, LA and local schools. Thanks so much.

Thanks so much for a thoroughly engaging and comprehensive course where some really complex information and ideas were distilled into something that feels manageable and practical. I loved the social justice thread throughout the course, and I feel much more equipped now for casework generally and discussions around literacy with colleagues, schools and most importantly children and families. Thank you!

Unequivocally the best literacy training I have been on. Thank you Joanna for an interesting and thought provoking course that has really given me chance to reflect and extend on my practice.

Extremely thorough and I loved the so what bits :) Also the I can't do this because section.

A fantastic course which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I have learned a great deal and I feel sure that this will lead to positive change -in terms of my work with client schools.

Excellent course, thank you. This is the third course I've done with EdPsychEd and they've all been equally brilliant. This is filling a real gap for high quality CPD for EPs.

Excellent in all ways: content, presenter, presentation, relevance, practical, didactics.

Not only that this has been an amazing piece of CPD and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope we as a LA service can emulate some of the work you do at XXXX and I am eager to spread the word!

Thank you so much for a really useful and thorough course.

Just thank you for supporting my confidence in this area and for the lovely visuals and resources provided.

Well done Joanna, a very engaging course and a lovely smiley presentation style.

Thank you very much Joanna! I felt that I was going round in circles with the Dyslexia debate, but your explanation helped to give some clarity (and relief!). I feel a lot more confident with the resources and tools you have provided.

Thank you to all who have been involved in putting this course together - it has come at the right time for me and I will be able to put what I have learnt into practice at all the different levels I work as an EP.

I just really enjoyed the format and the way you have presented it and broken it down into small pieces, it has taken me two months to complete as I don't have massive chunks of time but I have been able to reflect and digest as I have gone along at my own pace which I appreciated.

I found the format very easy to 'digest' - the chapters in bite sized chunks made this course manageable for busy professionals and enabled time for reflection and further reading along the way.

I think this is an excellent training and resource to refer back to. Joanna's passion is clear and the social justice golden thread really adds clout to this passion and makes you want to go out and fight or be a trojan squirrel, necessary irritant! I like how up to date it is and evidence-based.

Thank you very much Joanna. I am a firm believer in sharing knowledge and I really appreciate how you have generously shared your knowledge with me throughout this highly engaging and rewarding training.

I have really enjoyed it and will go back over my notes many times! Thank you!

Thank you so much for all the time and effort put into the course, it was truly invaluable.

Loved hearing from CYP, SENCos and adults within this course.

A really interesting and useful course, would definitely recommend.

Just thanks again. Really good that all our team are doing this training and we have a team session to discuss it.

Just thank you for your great, engaging presentational style Joanna.

Thank you very much for the amazing course.

I really enjoyed hearing the interviews with the individuals with Dyslexia.

Thank you very much for an informative, thought provoking and useful course.

Just thank you so much!! So helpful.

Thank you for the time and effort spent creating such a valuable course!

ThankĀ you!Ā

Just my gratitude. Joanna was great at the UCL leading edge day and this course did not disappoint.

I feel that I liked the clarity of the course. It was informative in many ways especially regarding the dyslexia debate and reading difficulties.

Thanks for an informative course which makes one hopeful and positive about the difference EPs can make in this area.