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Making the Complex, Comprehensible.

Nurturing A Growth Mindset in Schools and at Home growth mindset parent/carer resilience rise staff training Jan 19, 2022

Growth Mindset is a powerful collection of approaches which help to shape the way children think to have greater self-believe in themselves and resilience in the face of setbacks. While incredibly important for helping children to maximise their education and learning potential, having a Growth Mind...

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RISE and Recovery - Building Resilience in School anxiety confidence mental health resilience rise self-esteem wellbeing Jan 20, 2021


Resilience in a Time of COVID

I think it is safe to say that 2020 did not turn out how we would have predicted. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted on the lives of everyone across the world, and the uncertainty and changes it has imposed upon our societies continues to be felt globally. If there is o...

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