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What is Precision Teaching: A Guide for Primary School Teachers in the UK development literacy numeracy precision teaching reading school support sen teachers Apr 07, 2023


Precision Teaching is an engaging, individualised pedagogical technique that offers a practical approach to boosting literacy, numeracy and a range of other discrete learning. Itโ€™s strengths and benefits are well reflected by its popularity and the fact that it has been a cornerstone o...

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Case Study: Mastering the First 100 High-Frequency Words through Precision Teaching case study confidence development learning and cognition literacy diffculties precision teaching reading teachers Feb 17, 2023

The Starting Line: Reading Woes in a Year 1 Classroom

As a Year 1 teacher in a three form entry Manchester primary school, I grappled with a common yet disheartening issue: the wide range of reading abilities among the children in my class. While some were doing well and able to read CCVC words as ...

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Precision Teaching: A First Steps Guide and FAQ confidence development precision teaching school support staff training teachers tips working memory Jan 06, 2023

We all share a professional mission: to nurture the unique abilities in every child that steps into our classroom. But, if weโ€™re honest, sometimes the path to achieving this is less of a well-paved road and more of a labyrinth. Diverse learning speeds, varied abilities, and a range of other juggling...

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